Dear Nirbhaya,
It has been four years since you left us with a void, an inner question, and scream. A question that we ask amongst ourselves about that dreaded night of december 16th. A scream of angst against the baseless societal norms that sill haven't changed till date.
it has been four years and still, hundreds like you plead to be saved and have their cases pending or either dead. You were a voice, a voice to the blind and dumb nation that overlooked what it meant to be a girl.
You were an inspiration, a ray of hope, a fire inside every were a revolution. you taught us that we cannot take this victimization anymore, this sexualisation anymore.
it has been four years and we haven't recovered of everything that happened past your demise. we haven't forgotten you, brave heart. We haven't forgotten your sacrifice and the question that you left with u.
Your untimely death was not a message but a fire that still ignite when we was a case which could have happened to any normal Delhi girl.
It has been four years and you did teach us that this was not about you, it was a message that you left with us "That I want to be there, amongst all of you.Live alike all of you."It was you who set that and it was you who fought back when the accident happened..sorry this wasn't an accident, this was a real bullshit done knowingly.
For us, rape of a five-year-old, sixty-year-old or a passenger in an Uber are all harsh reminders of brutality that you faced.
It has been four years and you have done so much for us. Many of us may not realize this, but you my beloved were a voice for all of us.
Stalking, Voyeurism, harassing came recognized as crimes against all of us. It is not an idea of fun picking up a woman and do anything with her.
It has been four years and you educated all of us without books- no matter how horrendous the abuse be; we cannot afford to be quiet. No matter if they call an abuse a stigma on us, we have to speak up.
We are not objects, we have a choice and we have a freedom to choose.
It has been four years and still the calls on "100" ring every second.


  1. It's been four years still nothing seems to be changed, what's the part in educating dumbheaded people!

  2. This dumb headed people will realise everything one day.
    Just waiting for that day


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